Pad thai

As I make more types of food, I realize that the only thing stopping you from making amazing food, is the lack of experience and the fear of failure. I made pad thai this time. It wasn’t perfect, but I know what to do next time.

What’s the secret?

To make homemade tofu, check this out.

  1. Boil some pad thai noodles (rice noodles that you get in the stores) until it starts to soften
  2. Heat some oil and add some chopped onions, cubed tofu and salt until the onions and tofu turn brown
  3. Add tamarind water (or paste), soy sauce and one tbsp of vinegar and mix well
  4. Throw in the half-cooked noodles and simmer until the noodles are done
  5. Top it off with some spring onions and peanuts

Note: I added brocolli and red bell peppers to this but that’s not needed.

Akshaya Shanbhogue Written by:

Akshaya is a blogger who loves animals, travel, tech and food.